This entry has nothing to do with the Tea Party. The only relation with the Tea Party is with the apparent racial make-up that some in the news medias have pointed out about those in the Tea Party rallies. Most of the news medias tell us that the Tea Party is made up mainly of white right-winger Christian Republicans. This particular group makes up about 85% of the Tea Party. So many in the news medias have pointed out the racial issue in the Tea Party - whether there is a sublime racial issue. Now, this should be a wakeup call for many in the ELCA. If the Tea Party is 85% white, which are numbers that the ELCA can only hope for, particularly with their 97% white presence. The ELCA is more white than the Republican party and more white than the Tea Party. In all honesty, the ELCA is more white than most town in this country. The only real whitopia one can find in this country.
Lutherans you're on notice!
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