A few weeks ago, I came across a TV program on murder cases in this country. It is incomprehensive how human beings can hurt other human beings. Well, some religious sect would say that that is humanity innate evil or sinfulness. Whether it is or not, I do not know, but it does make one wonder what is really in the depth of our consciousness. But that is not the point of this entry for what struck me in that particular program, and many other similar programs, is the phrase: the face of evil. It seems to be a classic tool of persuasion for prosecutor to show the picture of the perpetrator and point to that picture as the face of evil. And perhaps, some of those are well deserving of that title.
Now, I am wondering whether we need to consider some new faces like the greed of Wall-Street, perhaps the consuming mentality of our country, maybe the bank, or ultimately the politicians who has done so little for the overall well being of our country. Honestly, I wonder whether there need to be a new poster for the face of evil.
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