Our current method of eating leads merely to accept unresponsible forms of abuse toward God's creation. This abuse deforms our created humanity, that is, our imago Dei.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Stand Up, Stand Up, For Jesus
ye soldiers of the cross;
lift high his royal banner,
it must not suffer loss:
from victory unto victory
his army shall he lead,
till every foe is vanquished
and Christ is Lord indeed.
Stand up, stand up, for Jesus;
the trumpet call obey;
forth to the mighty conflict
in this his glorious day:
ye that are men now serve him
against unnumbered foes;
let courage rise with danger,
and strength to strength oppose.
Stand up, stand up, for Jesus;
stand in his strength alone;
the arm of flesh will fail you,
ye dare not trust your own:
put on the Gospel armor,
and watching unto prayer,
when duty calls, or danger,
be never wanting there.
Stand up, stand up, for Jesus;
the strife will not be long:
this day, the noise of battle;
the next, the victor's song.
To him that overcometh
a crown of life shall be;
he with the King of glory
shall reign eternally.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Break Through
Break Through
Break through, break through all my doubts
Break through, break through all my fears
Break through that I may worship You
Break through, break through all my pain
Break through, all my guilt and my shame
Break through like only You can do
You are brighter than my darkest night
Stronger than my toughest fight
Just one touch from You my King, my friend
And I’ll never be the same again
Break through, break through [repeat
Break through, break through all my fears
Break through that I may worship You
Break through, break through all my pain
Break through, all my guilt and my shame
Break through like only You can do
You are brighter than my darkest night
Stronger than my toughest fight
Just one touch from You my King, my friend
And I’ll never be the same again
Break through, break through [repeat
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Procession of Lord Darth Vader
Join me the Rebel Force, LADV (Lutherans Against Darth Vader), to change the tide of Lutheran Gringonism.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
O Praise Ye The Lord
Praise him in the height;
rejoice in his word,
ye angels of light;
ye heavens, adore him
by whom ye were made,
and worship before him,
in brightness arrayed.
O praise ye the Lord!
Praise him upon earth,
in tuneful accord,
ye sons of new birth;
praise him who hath brought you
his grace from above,
praise him who hath taught you
to sing of his love.
O praise ye the Lord!
All things that give sound;
each jubilant chord
reecho around;
loud organs, his glory
forth tell in deep tone,
and sweet harp, the story
of what he hath done.
O praise ye the Lord!
Thanksgiving and song
to him be outpoured
all ages along!
For love in creation,
for heaven restored,
for grace of salvation,
O praise ye the Lord!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Escorts 4 Xtians
Are you new in town? And if you're then you know how hard it is to make new friends in a new environment. This is particular hard for those who attend church on Sunday. Being new without knowing anyone can be hard. So, this website is for you to help people like yourself who wants to go to church but not by themselves. Your nightmare is over, for just by calling Christian Escorts Ministries you can go to that church with confidence of something like pride but not quite since pride is one of the seven deadly sin.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Police Taser Texas Pastor
Was that really necessary? What! Did the Pastor call forth the angels of God against the Police Officer? Was the Police Officer's life endangered by the Pastor's invocation? Was the Police Officer not please with the invocation? Or, just another racial profiling on the part of the Police Officer?
The real story:
The 1st Officer: "Hey, what is that person doing?"
The 2nd Officer: "Is he shouting at us?"
Pastor: Shouts something at the office to grab their attention.
The 2nd Officer: "Is he coming here?"
The 1st Officer: "Yes, that drunk Mexican is coming toward us."
Pastor: The pastor spoke with a slight Spanish accent. "Hello, there, I'm the pastor of that church and I was wondering..." But before the pastor could finish his sentence.
The 1st Officer: "Sir, you need to back away now! And stand over there, sir"
Pastor: Once again, the pastor spoke with a slight Spanish accent. "Sure, but I need to tell you..."
The 2nd Office: "Sir, do you understand what we are saying?"
Pastor: Again, with his slight Spanish accent the pastor speaks. "I got it, but I must tell you that you are..."
The 1st Officer: The officer speaks slower and louder so as to assist the drunk illegal Mexican. "No speak Espanol!" He speaks loud and gestures with his hand. "Go over there, now!"
Pastor: Drawing his hand up, the pastor says. "I got it!"
The 2nd Officer: The officer perceives such action as threating so he draws his weapon.
The 1st Officer: Seeing that his partner had drawn a weapon, the second officer shots.
Pastor: Falls to the ground.
The 2nd Officer: Runs toward the drunk illegal Mexican.
Well, you can imagine the rest!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Once Again
Jesus Christ, I think upon Your sacrifice.
You became nothing, poured out to death.
Many times I've wondered at Your gift of life.
I'm in the place once again.
i'm in the place once again.
Once again.
And once again I look upon the cross where you died,
I'm humbled by Your blessing, I'm broken inside.
Once again I thank You,
Once again I pour out my life.
Now You are exatled to the highest place,
King of the heavens, where one day I'll bow.
But for now, I'll marvel at Your saving grace,
I'm full of praise once again.
Full of Your praise today!
I'm full of praise once again!
And once again I look upon the cross where you died,
I'm humbled by Your blessing, I'm broken inside.
Once again I thank You,
Once again I pour out my life.
Oh, I pour out my life at Your cross!
And once again I look upon the cross where you died,
Jesus, I'm thankful for Your mercy, I'm broken inside.
Once again I thank You,
Once again I pour out my life.
We bring our grateful hearts to You,
Thanking You, Lord.
Your sacrifice, we thank You, Lord.
Thank You for the cross.
Thank You for the cross.
Thank You for the cross, my friend.
Oh, thank You for the cross.
Thank You for the cross.
Thank You for the cross, my friend.
Yes, I thank You for the cross.
Thank You for the cross.
Thank You for the cross, my friend.
Thank You for the cross.
Thank You for the cross.
Thank You for the cross, my friend.
Thank You, Lord!
Thank You for the cross.
Thank You for the cross, my friend.
Thank You for the cross.
Thank You for the cross.
Thank You for the cross, my friend.
My friend.
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